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Premium Joint Support Capsules
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Premium Joint Support Capsules - Best Joint Pain Relief Tablets in India
Premium Joint Support Capsules Benefits
1.Repair cartilage
2. Boost joint mobility
3. Increase joint flexibility
4. Support joint structure
5. Protect joint tissue
6. Helps with joint anti-ageing
Premium Joint Support Tablet Helps with
1. Decreasing Joint Inflammation
2.Decreasing Joint discomfort
3. Increasing Joint mobility
4.Joint repair
5.Protect joint health
How to Take Premium Joint Support Tablets?
-Take 1 capsule daily with water in the morning or before going to bed.
-Human clinical studies have found that just one 40 mg capsule of undenatured (native) type II collagen per day can help to promote joint comfort, as well as healthy joint function and
-For best results pair it with PuraVida Advanced Bone Support tablets for all-round bone and joint health.
Premium Joint Support Tablet Main Ingredients:
Glucosamine: Adults with knee osteoarthritis, taking glucosamine sulphate orally may provide somepain relief. Research suggests that it might also aid in reducingosteoarthritis-related knee joint degradation.
Chondroitin Sulphate: Chondroitin sulphate is present in human cartilage; it can reduce the activity of enzymesand substances that break down collagen in joints.
Boswellia Serrata Resin Extract: Premium joint support contains 65% boswellic acids, that are known to decrease inflammationaround the joints and increase immune response to project the joints from wearand tear.
Rose Hip Extract: Premiumjoint support contains rose hip extract standardized to 40% polyphenols,Rosehip polyphenols are thought to reduce joint inflammation and prevent jointdegeneration. It's also high in vitamin C, which protects joint cartilage andhas antioxidant effects.
Undenatured Collagen Type II from Chicken Sternum: Premium joint support contains 40 mgundenatured collagen type-II, Human studies suggest that daily supplementationwith 40 mg of undenatured collagen type-II improves joint function andflexibility in healthy subjects, as seen by higher knee extension, and can bothreduce joint discomfort caused by severe exercise and lengthen times ofpain-free effort.
Curcumin: Premium joint support contains NANOCURCUMIN® with 10% soluble curcuminoidsclinically known to alleviate joint pain and promote joint flexibility.
Piperine: Premium joint support contains BIPERINE® standardized to 95% piperine,Several human trials have showed an anti-inflammatory benefit, which cantranslate to less joint discomfort and swelling.
What does the doctor say!
Most common joint problems include Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis, both are common in adults and will become significant with age and lead to joint discomfort in day to day life. Do you know that joint erosion is a common problem and increases progressively as we age. Keeping joints healthy is the key to delay joint erosion problems. Diet should include proteins and growth factors to support joint health. These include type 2 collagen, glucosamine and chondroitin that speed up the recovery of the cartilage erosion and promote collagen build up. While Boswellia extract, curcumin and rose hip extract provide relief from the joint pain or inflammation and speed up the joint recovery. While regular joint movement related exercises are recommended for better joint care.
Dr. Chaitanya Gali